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Deanna Petherbridge

Drawing and Dialogue

Since the 1960s, Dean­na Petherbridge’s prac­tice has moved between mak­ing draw­ings and writ­ing crit­i­cal­ly about art and archi­tec­ture. She has designed murals and stage-sets, curat­ed exhi­bi­tions, taught in the stu­dio and lec­tured inter­na­tion­al­ly – a career tra­jec­to­ry that has antic­i­pat­ed the mul­ti­ple prac­tices of younger con­cep­tu­al artists. Draw­ing is her pri­ma­ry con­cern – both as an artist and as a his­to­ri­an of prac­tice. Her book, The Pri­ma­cy of Draw­ing: His­to­ries and The­o­ries of Prac­tice is the pre­em­i­nent study in the field; and her draw­ings are to be found in major col­lec­tions. This new mono­graph, pub­lished to coin­cide with a ret­ro­spec­tive at the Whit­worth Art Gallery, cel­e­brates the vital­i­ty and orig­i­nal­i­ty of an extra­or­di­nary body of work.

Gill Per­ry is Pro­fes­sor of Art His­to­ry at the Open University. 

Roger Mal­bert is Head of Hay­ward Tour­ing, at the Hay­ward Gallery, London. 

Mar­tin Clay­ton is Head of Prints and Draw­ings at the Roy­al Col­lec­tion Trust, based at Wind­sor Castle. 

Angela Weight is the for­mer Keep­er of Art at the Impe­r­i­al War Muse­um, London.

Deanna Petherbridge, Gill Perry, Roger Malbert, Martin Clayton, Angela Weight
Herman Lelie

28 × 24.5cm
11 × 9½ in
192pp plus 2 gatefolds
180 colour and b&w illustrations
£24.95 | $35

ISBN 978-0-9930721-5-4